From time to time, we are asked to talk with University students about transitioning to working in industry. This is something we both really enjoy doing. We can relate to all of the questions and the uncertainties students feel while they are studying, and just what could lay beyond the ivory tower.
Posted by Jenna McKenzie, Elisabeth Ronacher Apr 5, 2018 1:14:45 PM | Industry Contributions, Speaking Engagements, Meet The Team

Posted by Ronacher McKenzie Geoscience Team May 30, 2017 7:39:58 AM | Industry Contributions, 3D Modelling, Speaking Engagements

Each year in May, the PDAC organizes the Student Industry Mineral Exploration Workshop (“SIMEW”), a two-week workshop for about 25 of the best geology students from universities and colleges in Canada. The goal of the workshop is to expose students to all aspects of the mineral exploration industry, and in particular those areas that may not be part of an undergraduate curriculum.