Jan 14, 2021 11:31:30 AM / by Jenna McKenzie, Elisabeth Ronacher

Completing independent technical reports prepared according to the standards of the National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (NI 43-101) is one of the services that Ronacher McKenzie Geoscience provides to clients for projects globally.

 Our Professional Geoscientists have decades of combined experience in writing technical reports for a variety of commodities, including base- and precious metals, and for numerous deposit types, from porphyry-epithermal to orogenic, VMS and magmatic deposits.

 These reports can be costly but are critical to ensure that the public is receiving independently verified information on your project. Before commissioning your next report, consider the following items.

 Site Visit

 The personal inspection, often called “the site visit”, is an important part of the report. An independent Qualified Person (“QP”) visits the property and assesses the conditions on the property, reviews geology and mineralization and verifies exploration data, including drill hole locations. We are often asked if the site visit is truly necessary, as it is a costly component of the report. The NI 43-101 states that personal inspections must be completed even if little or no outcrop exists on the property. The purpose of the site visits is not only to confirm geological information but also to verify the access to the property, determine what infrastructure is available, confirm sources of water and power, and so forth. Site visits must be repeated when new material information has become available. 

 Travel restrictions due to Covid-19 have not changed the rules for site visits; they must be completed. Many field properties are inherently isolated and can well accommodate social distancing practices.

 Ronacher McKenzie has successfully completed site visits across Canada and around the globe.

 Attention to Detail

 Technical knowledge and relevant experience are not sufficient for producing an impeccable independent technical report. Attention to detail is critical. The reports must follow Form F1 of the NI 43-101; any omissions could be pointed out by the regulators at the stock exchange or the securities commission. Reports with deficiencies will be rejected, which can cause embarrassing and costly delays. We know the value of an outside pair of eyes and always conduct a thorough senior review of all our reports to ensure all the requirements spelt out in Form F1 are fully addressed.

 Author’s Breadth of Experience

 It is critical that Qualified Persons have intimate knowledge of all rules and regulations, including the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) definitions standards and industry best practice guidelines. 

 Our team has written numerous reports on projects worldwide. Contact Ronacher McKenzie to ensure that your 43-101 report is done with proper diligence and accepted by the stock exchange without delay!


Topics: Reports, Technical Reporting, Independent Technical Report, 43-101, NI43-101

Jenna McKenzie, Elisabeth Ronacher

Elisabeth Ronacher and Jenna McKenzie are the founders of Ronacher McKenzie Geoscience.